Friday, July 03, 2009

A debate with myself (whether or not to show my angry side)

An old post I never posted from a few months ago and titled "revise this". I never did.

Regret is not a strong word
but a necessary one
for late nights of pure weakness
coming back to remind you with their ugly heads

Like the pigs
become our enemy
Love in the time of Swine Flu is a tricky proposition

Keep your distance and draw near
never works
Rolling in the mire is so much more fun
Save for the disgusting feeling afterward

Hysteria and panic of pandemic proportions
Yet, the crickets outside know nothing of these things
How many more will suffer
before the bugs will quit their chirping?

We are the pigs wallowing through our own filth
but the rest of the natural world lives on
We curse and blame and point
for not
The animals sing,
the sky sings
The heavens themselves open up their throats
for a trumpet of a new day
Every single dawn without fail
And we spit in each other's faces
without fail

Sometimes I wish I had someone to snap me out
Wake me up, please
I haven't met the best one yet

These things I do know

Politics will let you down
Politicians are not public servants
Because they don't know how to serve
The news will not inform
Because the public will not accept it
The world needs more love
Even those who say they love do not always love
Indifference is not the same as tolerance

And tolerance is not the answer
It is just tolerance
Merely a bandage for a gushing wound
And bandages are easily torn under mild duress

Love always was
and always will be what we need
In more ways than one as well
In actions not words
In sincerity and not show

In love with something other than ourselves

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