Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Combust and crumble

It clicked
and I realized there is no logic at all
to attraction
It is or it isn't but the only commonality
are the feelings which surround it

One second I could think nothing of you
the next I want nothing more than to think about you

It doesn't make sense to me
and maybe that's my great shortcoming

Fires and famous deaths
they fill up the news waves
unaware of the small details
unsympathetic to our problems

Life is all around us
smoldering like an ember
spreading like a wild fire
Burning with all types of passions

right now I feel like everything I touch will combust and crumble

But that's not important
to the world at large

The greatest hypocrisy of our generation
is equating increased awareness
to better society

Knowledge is the base of our actions
Supposedly logical
objectively rational
but information is a masterful deceiver

When the world ends it will not be because of a lack of caring
but an overabundance of correct people
Because those who are sure of themselves
are also sure everyone else is wrong