Friday, July 14, 2006

The Sweetest Librarian

I've yet to find my full potential
I feel as though I'm missing something
so I take a trip
to the public library for some knowledge
Surrounded by bounded works of art
Isle after isle of book after book
I wonder if anyone has ever read them all
I tend to doubt it
A tap on the shoulder reveals
a girl with square rimmed glasses
and I am staring into them
and I wonder what she's saying
cause I haven't heard a word
since she started talking
The sweetest librarian
Please tell me a love story, "you'll find it in fiction"
she says, the sweetest librarian
Going home, I find myself
not caring what I checked out
She's in my mind now, all the time now
and the due dates on these books
is the 24th
and its just a couple more days til I will come back
So please tell me a love story, "you'll find it in fiction"
she says, the sweetest librarian