Stories on top of stories
stacked so high
the neck strains like a creaky crane
to see them
Stories on top of stories
the Mayor of Strawberry Fields
Peace and love and ten percent
play "Everybody must get stoned!"
The LES, where less was more
where people danced
because they wanted too
and pretty girls smiled
tainted roses from red light
we were all developing pictures
of a memory in chemical fog
And quiet
the Queensborough bridge on 58th
waiting for the green lights to fire
without luck
but feeling tranquility on the edge
of a brooding storm of activity
worth more than
any JPEG could ever show
So much to see
An island that beckoned my return
the moment she was shrouded
in the clouds
I witnessed much
but knew so little
I think there must be gems
on every block
Now home.
But still far away.