Thursday, July 02, 2009

All the pretty girls (rant rant)

All the pretty girls
With their spot on fashion
Their hipster glasses
The archive of vinyl records
and their archival knowledge of 70's punk bands

Their uninspired personalities
Their self righteous anger for global issues
When pity
and caring
would have served it better

They way they abhor outside judgement
Their curve ball smiles
and disarming wit that makes you feel
down 0-2 in the count

The way their hair seems to glow
like a halo in a dark ages religious tapestry
from the era of Constantine
The Roman Empire divided in their shining locks

And when I admire them
it's always
from a distance
artificial, superficial, or otherwise
They don't want much to do with me
up close
Too grim I think
Too near to flippantly brush aside

All the pretty girls at some point
Made the decision to be that way

Guys like me
(or just me maybe)
Never had a chance
Except a knowledge fleeting
An inkling
That the pretty girls
Were not the pretty girls after all
They were impostors
Wolves in vintage clothing
Those girls are parody at best

NOTHING so good as all that
Is ever so easy to spot

I think I may happen upon only a few
Genuine articles in my life
The real pretty girls are natural and brief as that
perfect sunrise in summer
They are gone so fast

If you see them at all

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