Monday, March 29, 2010

Day's vs. nights: everybody needs a win in the spring

It's spring again
I'll be 24 soon
i've been sick since I got back
but i'm better now

The sun, the breeze
the orange poppies
nothing is better than California
on a day like this

Depression gets the best of me at night
but 1:44 on a Monday
make 24 years seem like
a warm afternoon

I don't know why I obsessed over you
the best times really

maybe it's because the nights are never depressing around you
but is it worth my afternoons?

We can only do what we want
on days like this

Sunday, March 14, 2010

The dog of Texas

I hope the desert will cure me
it's sage brush
wishing me well with wise words

The road will extend into pure white bliss
and on them
we travel into the place the sun rises

I haven't been where i'll be going for six years
six long years I never thought i'd see
go by
not unlike the six long months
I left in the lone star state

Flat lands and blue skies
that's what I remember
that's what I remember

Not this time
I go as part of a group this time
when I was 18
I was truly alone
in a way few people ever get to experience at that age

And sometimes being alone has it's advantages
May Austin be an old bloodhound
which is why i'll choose
to let a sleeping dog lie.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Not sad, just dissapointed so far

Spectacular 60watt bulb
and i'm trying to avoid you now
trying like the fish in the river
stick close to rocks
and depths
in between reeds

They know where it's safe

My life is full of needs
of desires
it hurts
or it can

Walking in the moonlight
passive glance at empty

Just thinking of her
is enough sometimes
and isn't it incredible how
powerful our need for that connection is

and just how mismatched the wind and dirt
can sometimes be
I feel like the dirt
trampled and set in
moved only on the surface
pitted and pockmarked

and she is the wind
brushing my thoughts
as we elude each other
for different reasons

Too long with nothing to show
Am I so unlucky?

Monday, March 01, 2010

Missed Connections

Dear girl who comes into my cafe
wearing small square rimmed glasses
and has a short smart
hair cut

You're very tall
I don't usually like that

You sound very smart
like you choose your words carefully

Like you have a higher degree
or just a better one than me
and most of the people who come in
and buy latte's from me

You tend to be serious
I can't remember if I crack jokes
with you
you're too smart to laugh

I think I saw you smile once
and when you tell me thank you
and I say your welcome
and to have a nice evening
or good night
or sometimes the more confused
have a good da-night (because I've been
saying good day on automatic but the sun is down now and I don't want to get it wrong or sound like a total idiot even though i feel like one in the messy outfit I wear and wash only occasionally but in the end still sound like an idiot)
I really mean it with you

I imagine that you really are grateful
that I made your drink
But I think we both know
that isn't the case.

I just wanted to say, i'm not though
an idiot that is
and of all the people
who come in
I think I like you the most.