Saturday, June 19, 2010

Family Portrait

Why do you HAVE
to be so difficult

Are we done?
I asked

Something i'm so opposed to because
it's fake
a setup
We are not actors in our own lives
so why do you want proof of what we
never were

What about the happy times
the candid captures
where nobody combed their hair
or matched
Does anybody dispute the composition of
those photos?

We already live in a family portrait
with cutout houses
and cookie cutter home designers
going door to door selling the same look
the same veil to drape over our eyes

We can still be ourselves
but you wont let me be me
That's why i'm being so difficult

You guys wonder why I'm always so down
but you never really care
as long as i'm still on the rails
who cares which direction I boulder down
the track