Tuesday, March 10, 2009

My name on newsprint

A couple of dogs loose from their owner run free
for a few moments
Happy and slobbery like a dog should always be
Unaware of the potential harm
which might come to them
should they venture too far from the perfectly manicured front lawn

And I leaned on my truck and the night air was freezing
and clear
Clear straight through the thousands of miles to the surface of the moon
which was so immediate and full
out of place, but bold
A screaming white glow which all but the brightest light
from the closest stars
fell victim too

And I moved to stand on a very short brick wall
of the very small brick planter
with mostly dead shrubs
and weeds which even looked neglected

Teetering slightly, fighting to find perfect balance on my bare feet
while my friend spoke to me
and I listened
and spoke and questioned and participated
but at that moment my mind was divided

A young couple (well younger than I) strolled past
shoulder to shoulder, smiling
I think going nowhere in particular
Which I found endearing
because doing absolutely nothing
with somebody who might mean something
is never a waste of time

Whispering on my neck
the breeze picked up slightly and I zipped up my new blue coat
that I really liked
though nobody would compliment me on it
cause maybe only I thought it looked alright
And it still had the smell from the bar the night before

Not a lot happened that night in the bar,
(well not that would be any sort of interesting story)
but to me it was like this new blue jacket
I was proud of it
and maybe I didn't stand out
In a crowd full of people with flashier coats
better stories and witty banter
but it was a start

Of what I don't know
I don't know where I am going these days
At least I am trying

So I stepped down from the bricks and onto the icy concrete sidewalk
under the streetlamp outside my front yard
the same sidewalk I laid on alone 13 years earlier
and stared up at the overcast sky
Daydreaming about what life would be like when I became an adult

And on nights like this
I still do

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