Thursday, January 22, 2009

An insignificant transaction, ten minutes til close at Borders

To the girl with the boy cut at borders:

My friend thought you were into me
but I know better
you were just interested in my magazine

I know a burgeoning music lover
when I see one
The Beatles T-shirt gave you away

The Beatles are always the beginning

I wonder if you still think Eleanor Rigby
is the saddest song you'd ever heard
Or if you are searching for the one
that will really
affect you.

For me it was Julia

So you made conversation
like any good sales employee
and asked me about my purchase
and smiled
and listened to my answer

For a second I was a guru
to you
perhaps opening your eyes
to the next level
of euphonious euphoria

You had very pretty eyes by the way
they made good contact when
I was brave enough
to look up

And for some reason I remember your cold hands
when we made brief contact

The whole transaction
45 seconds
a minute tops

I paid with cash and never looked back
My friend was wrong
you weren't into me

But I think I might have been into you

I'm a sucker for girls with short haircuts
and black Beatles T's

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