Monday, July 30, 2012

We hug the cold shoulder

We wont know ourselves
we reach that crest
 where the sun hits our eyes
like an arrow with three halos
piercing in intensity

I thought the light would be different
it wasnt that the light was odd
but I could not fathom what it was

Do you know the feeling
of unknowing?

Of course you do
we all do
we are humans
and humans
do not know much

But we are familiar with
the cold shoulder of the void
is like a comforting fire to our

We embrace it
not quite like friends
maybe, like a parent
we have a hard time seeing eye to eye

I abhor complacency
and adult sensibility
I think nothing exciting comes from it

Sensibility never built anything that stood
the test of time

And yet we fear the illogical
the unreasonable word association
we call it

But my God
what is it that we truly love
that isn't a bit crazy?

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The wanderer's heart

What worth is there in love
to be cast aside so easily
disguised in a mire of
personal struggle

That happiness can be found
in a break is folly
a fool thinks to himself
that his needs should be put above
to help them

Trickle-down familial politics
the worst policy
of an unregulated heart

Who knows the mind
of a pride-less lion
aimless in it's direction
gaunt and hollow
never able to set down
and claim a place for it's own

And if you are in the savannah
it's these lions
you must be most careful of
because they are shifty and unpredictable
dangerous because they
abandoned the decor of being
the king of the jungle

And likewise
a heart without love is unpredictable
and dangerous
hurting indiscriminately
guilty and hardened in it's obstinacy

And so cold
likened unto dead

So again,
What worth is there in love?
when it does not last
when our best intentions are superseded
by our temporary desires

When a family is broken apart
as carelessly as the wind changes direction

The answer is another question

What worth is there without love?